Pinch and Diaphragm Valves
Our Pinch and Diaphragm Valves can be supplied in Plastic (PVC, PP,...), and Metal (Ductile Iron, CS, SS, Monel, ....etc.) and range from ½” to 24” in ANSI 125/150 configurations. Liners and Sleeves can be Plastic (PVC, PP,...), Rubber (Neoprene, Hypalon, Graphite ...etc.) or Glass Lined.
Actuation of our Pinch and Diaphragm Valves range from a simple Lever or Gear Operator w/ Handwheel to Double Pneumatic or Pneumatic w/ Spring Return (Fail Open / Closed Position) to Electric or Hydraulic.
Instrumentation Packages are also available upon request and can be mounted and tested before being sent to your facility.